Friday, January 19, 2007

Hey, great idea!

Some people will do anything to be noticed. In this case, it's a couple of douchebags on a shitty morning radio show in Sacramento. In case you haven't heard or didn't click the preceding link. a woman died from water intoxication shortly after participating in a "Hold your wee for a Wii" contest. These guys got their hands on a Nintendo Wii, and were so desperate to use it to promote the show, they thought up this brilliant idea where contestants drink as much water as they can without peeing or throwing up. This was the exchange between the DJs and Jennifer Strange, who lost her life trying to get a stupid video game for her kids, near the end of the contest:

DJ: Can't you get water poisoning and like die?

DJ2: Your body is 98 percent water. Why can't you take in as much water as you want? ...I know.

DJ: That is what I was thinking, maybe we should have researched this.

DJ2: Jennifer, congratulations on making it to the final two. How are you feeling?

Jennifer: I still have to go pee, but my stomach is like really, really full. I look like I am pregnant again. It's pretty funny.

DJ2: How much longer do you think you can go Jennifer.

Jennifer: As long as my stomach will continue to let me. I don't know. Maybe a couple more.

DJ2: Jennifer, I heard that you're not doing too well.

Jennifer: My head hurts. They keep telling me that it is the water, that it will tell my head to hurt and then it will make me puke.

During the show, a listener calls in to warn the DJs that the stunt is dangerous and says someone could die.

"Yeah, we're aware of that," one of them says.

Another DJ laughs: "Yeah, they signed releases, so we're not responsible. We're OK."

"And if they get to the point where they have to throw up, then they're going to throw up, and they're out of the contest before they die, so that's good, right?" another one says.

Now, I've watched anough Law & Order to know this is AT LEAST criminal negligence. I'm pretty sure McCoy could get them for murder. "Maybe we should have researched this" says the DJ. Good thinking. Don't drop the soap buddy.


Mike said...

Man, when you put it that way I feel much worse about making light of the story earlier in the week. There are a lot of wrong things going on with that one.

Wendy said...

Do you think they became DJs because they failed out of clown school?

David said...

Mike- I did the same thing until I knew the whole story

JW-Do you know how hard it is to get into clown school? These guys never would have made it...

Eric said...

That is pretty callous. You have to be pretty dumb to think that a person can just drink as much water as they want. And to make a joke about having them sign a release form is a really douchy thing to say. Those guys must be riddled with guilt right now, well except that they are clearly assholes so they're probably over it already.

Mike said...

Everyone is trying to be the next great shock-jock. That's why they make jokes like that, but hey, it gets ratings. Look at Stern and Imus, or more locally, Elliot. Being crass pulls in the listeners.

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