Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I'm not sure I have enough imagination today for an entire post, but I wanted to write something anyway. Maybe just a few random thoughts.

~How's this for team spirit? Bruce Pearl may have taken it a bit far, however. Doesn't he kind of look like Bruce Willis here?

~I really can't stand that Geico commercial with Vern Troyer in it. It annoys me. I do, however, love the caveman ones.

~Now Isaiah, I'm sure you know of a word or two that should never be said on national T.V. Faggot is one of them.

~This makes me mad. I've subscribed to MLB Extra Innings on Cox and Adelphia for three or four seasons now. Maybe they just don't want anyone to watch until the whole steroid thing is over. Good move. $700 million over 7 years should make awfully affordable for us all going forward as well. Assholes.

~I can't wait to see Pan's Labyrinth

~Tonight is Bush's State of the Union address, so here's today's Bush Quote of the Day as provided by Google: "I'm pretty good about asking myself the own question, then answering it, see?" Yes, he said that.

~I'm very glad the Patriots lost.

~I'm not glad the Saints lost

~No beach swimming down under for me.

~American Idol is becoming unusually cruel. When it started, Simon told everyone they were worthless singers; then Randy Jackson (douchebag) gradually joined the act. Now, they've taken to telling contestants they're just worthless human beings and making fun of the way they look. Yo dawg, that ain't right. Oh, and I know that they meant to leave that left door locked so after they were done humiliating these kids, they would then be further embarassed by not being able to get out. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel sorry for the people on the show who know what they're getting into, especially the William Hungs of the world, but just what are they trying to teach the kids watching the show, that people who are different are to be ridiculed and shunned by the beautiful and talented?

Yikes, that almost turned into a full-on rant. I'm done for now.


Eric said...

I think that I have finally come up with the true test to tell if you are a badass or not. Here it goes: have a shark "swallow your head" then see if you still have the resolve to fight it off by poking it in the eye. If so then you are a badass.

As far as American Idol goes I find that they usually just sort of laugh at the truly weird people. Except for that one little nerdy guy they said looked like a monkey. The ones the are really mean to are the delusional, arrogant people who in fact suck. And truthfully those peoples lives would be bettered by being knocked down a peg and gaining a little humility. Randy and Simon are just all about improving peoples lives, dawg.

Mike said...

Other reasons not to swim Australia: deadly microscopic box jelly fish, salt water crocodiles, sting rays, add that to how expensive it is to get there and the chances of me ever visiting are get slimmer every time I think about it.

Good lookin' out.

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