Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Elephants don't forget, but I'm only human

I forget things. Not in a Where-did-I-put-my-car-keys or Dude-you're-not-wearing-any-pants kind of way, but if I'm not completely focused on remembering something, I will certainly forget. Almost every time one of the girls at work says "can you take this coupon off of H1?", I walk 8 feet to the computer, pull up the list of tables and ask, "uhhh, what table?" I have a planner that I use ineffectively, but without which I would probably forget my keys or to put pants on.

Today I forgot my kids. Nothing serious; they were at their grandmother's. I knew when I left work that I had to pick them up, but about halfway home my mind started to wander. I snapped out of it as I pulled into the driveway, thinking to myself "Did I forget something? Oh right, my kids."

I do this frequently, especially while driving. It's not as if I'm not paying attention to the road or other cars or traffic lights, I'm just not paying attention to where I'm going. I've missed my exit on the interstate going home, and then missed the next exit before realizing something was amiss.

I will definitely forget what you've said to me 30 seconds after you've said it to me if I haven't made a conscious decision to remember it. What's kind of nuts about it all is that I remember everything I read or just catch a glimpse of. Yes, I'm aware that I exhibit classic signs of Attention Deficit Disorder, and I have unfortunately passed it to my kids, but come on, don't you outgrow this? It's pretty annoying. I can't remember half of what I wanted to put in this particular blog post, so it's not nearly as entertaining as I envisioned 6 hours ago when I decided to do it. I was thinking about whether or not I've always been this way, but I can't remember........


Mike said...

I tend to not remember anything if I don't think it's important. Especially people's names, which usually comes back to bite me. Instead to telling the person I have no interest in knowing them I just forget them a few minutes later.

Wendy said...

i hate when i forget that i have to use the bathroom, then i can't figure out why i have a stomach ache 2 hours later

Eric said...

I have a different kind of bad memory. I'm not really forgetful at all, but if you broke out a High School yearbook I wouldn't remember about 80 percent of the people in it, and forget about anything before. I always amazed at people that seem to have encyclopedic knowledge of there own life because everything is blurry for me. I probably should've been keeping some sort of journal or something just so I would have memories, because I'm pretty sure in like 10 years I'll have forgotten college too. Oh and thank God for online banking because I would never pay my bills if it wasn't done for me.

brittany said...

Hahaha...so true.
"What table?"
*5 seconds later*
"Wait...what table again?"

Haha I love your ADD self. Your insanity keeps me sane in that hell hole.
