Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I've never made New Year's Resolutions before, but I want 2008 to be different, so why not start with something new? Okay, here I go:

In 2008, I resolve:

To better organize my life and maximize my time. I've had a day planner for years but never made the best use of it, but it's time to change that.

To turn my daydreams, fantasies, and wishes into planned-out, attainable goals. There's no reason I can't have what I want if I put the time and effort into getting it.

To lead by example everyday, in everything I do.

To better understand myself and who I want to be.

To make a plan and stick to it.

To not quit when it gets hard.

To look at this list as often as I need to remind me of where I want to be.

To do something I enjoy everyday.

Everyone says the same things when the New Year rolls around about wanting to change things, whether it be losing weight, quitting smoking, spending more time with family & friends, or learning something new. These are great goals, but they are quickly lost when the going gets a little tough. I want my resolutions to be more like guidelines for me to live my life by, sort of a map for everything I do. I feel like my life is heading in a better direction, and this year seems like a great time to start making more positive changes so that I feel more fulfilled in my own life, and maybe I can turn myself into the kind of man my sons look at and want to be just like.

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