Sunday, February 11, 2007

And the Grammy goes to....

Well, I'm still up, so I guess I should give some thoughts about the Grammy's. After all, I actually watched them. This way, the 4 people that read my blog and chime in with their thoughts, although probably only Eric and Mike will. Anyway:

The Grammy's don't have a host? It's been awhile since I watched.

I'm not a big fan of country music, but you gotta love Natalie Maines. She's never backed down from her views. Much respect. (And she looked hot tonight; isn't she the chubby blonde one?) How many of you agree with her now, 3 1/2 years later?

Hard rock still can't make it on t.v., huh?

Who's idea was it to group Smokey Robinson, Lionel Ritchie, and Chris Brown together??? I know Chris Brown is popular right, but he does not belong on stage with Smokey and Lionel Ritchie. He isn't half the talent; he couldn't even sing his own song (although the boy does have moves, albeit copied from those before him, but I can't do it). I started to wonder if there was any real singing talent left, then Christina Aguilera came out, which leads me to.....

With all due respect to Mary J., who deserves all of the personal and professional triumphs she's achieved over the past year or so, Christina Aguilera is The Best Female Vocalist on the Planet. Period. You don't even have to like her music to understand that.

I love the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

What's this about a competition of unknown singers for a spot on the Grammy's singing a duet with Justin Timberlake? They were like "you get to vote on who performs later." Based on what? Who was voting on this? Well, at least the girl didn't embarass herself, although the performance wasn't memorable.

"Well, to quote the great 'Simpsons' — 'Heh-Heh.'------that's hot

I'm finding it more and more difficult to hate John Mayer.

Who's the little punk who turned on the music while Tony Bennett and Stevie Wonder were talking?!?

The James Brown tribute was nice; draping his robe over the microphone as the lights went out was especially poignant.

I really liked Carrie Underwood's rendition of Desperado

Who the hell is Beyonce that Prince is introducing her? No one else sees a problem with that? She's a star, sure; but she's not Prince.

What hasn't Rick Rubin done? Timbaland who?

I'm tired; that's all I have for now.


Eric said...

That Chris Brown thing was annoying. Smoky Robinson and Lionel Ritchie come out and sing a couple of classic and then whats the third song in the trio? What, Runnin'? Something seems wrong here. And when did Mandy Moore turn into a giant? She's 6'4", 220.

Eric said...

Oh and I don't like Mary J. Blige at all. I like her first song like 12 years ago and haven't enjoyed one since.

Mike said...

The Grammies (or is it Grammy's) scrapped the host idea a while ago, which is ok I guess since nobody is ever as funny as an award show host as they are in just about every other setting.

Two things that baffled me about the Robinson/Ritchie/Brown thing were who came up with the idea? I know John Legend was performing with other people already, but wouldn't he have fit better there? And as my roommate put it, if you are Smoky or Lionel what are you doing agreeing to that?

Eric, I'll never forgive MJB for what she did to One.

David said...

Good point Mike; why would Lionel Ritchie or Smokey Robinson agree to such a thing. I also thought John Legend should have been on stage to represent today's generation of R&B singers. I would have even accepted Jaime Foxx.

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