Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dream a Little Dream With Me

So, I had a really strange dream today. I dozed off for exactly 15 minutes--from 5:09 to 5:24. I had been studying for Chemistry and it was nearly time to get up and make dinner for the kids. Anyway, the first strange thing about this, as those of you who know me best know, I NEVER remember my dreams. I almost never even remember having dreams. Ever. Weird, I know. The second thing that is so strange is how real the dream seemed while it was going on. While I said I never remember my dreams, that wasn't true when I was I a kid, but they never felt this real. Anyway, back to my dream. First the cast of characters (the fact that I can remember so many details is very strange to me as well):

Jeanette: a close friend of mine since high school.
Krissy: a friend and coworker at the Cheesecake Factory.
Ashley: a close friend from Lynchburg; we worked together at the Olive Garden
Mary: my cousin (and godmother) who died in August, 2001 after battling colon cancer
There were some others in the dream, but their faces faded away as soon as I woke up. It may have Teri, Jen Lacks, and John Foster, but I cannot be sure anymore. My kids were in the dream too, but I never saw them, only heard them.

So, I'm sitting in a room similar to the room I have my computer in; it's even four steps lower than the rest of the house, but in my dream it's much smaller. I can hear the kids palying upstairs. When I look through the doorway, it looks like a kid's room. There are bunkbeds, and I see a lot of red.

I hear a car pull up so I look out the window. I don't see my driveway or front yard. Instead, it looks like a motel. There are parking spaces, and I can see an overhang, like a second floor balcony. At this point I notice that I'm looking out the window through a Halloween mask. It may have been Anthony's Optimus Prime mask. I took it off. Anyway, a white truck (maybe a pickup) is parked in the spot closest to me, facing the building, and there is a car three spots over. The two spots in the middle are empty, and this is where Krissy is parking her black Jetta, only she doesn't drive into the space facing the building like you're supposed to. Instead, she's parking parallel to the building and perpendicular to the white truck. There's not enough room to accomplish this by standard parallel parking. Instead, Krissy has the car hopping sideways, inching toward the building, until she is as close to the curb as she can get.

It fast forwards (or I forgot what happened after that) to the living room. I'm sitting at the back of the room facing the front door. The kitchen is to my left. Everyone is sitting around. Both Krissy and Jeanette say something, but I forgot what they said when I woke up. Everyone is carrying gifts and it seems to be some sort of celebration. I see a bag, and something is in it. All i see is the word "engagement". Then, whatever was supposed to happen doesn't. I'm told to wait a minute, by either Krissy or Jeanette. As far as I can remember, no one else said anything at all.

Like I said before, this dream feels very real as it's going on, and this is where it got weird for me. Someone is walking across the living room toward the front door. It's Mary. Her hair is short, the way it looked after growing back following chemotherapy. I'm feeling really freaked out, but that passes. She doesn't say anything, she just smiles as she passes by, and then she goes out the door. At this point, I clearly remember having the conscious thought "Oh, this is a dream. I guess I better get up and give the kids dinner." I don't get up though. I cannot remember anything else happening, but after laying there for a few seconds, or minutes, I don't know, the phone rings, and I think to myself "Alright dammit! I'm getting up" (the caller id said "unknown caller").

I realized I had had a dream, and that I remember it. I tried to sort through as many of the details as I could before I forgot. Then I had to yell at the kids for being too rowdy. I can't take a 15 minute nap without them going nuts?

Anyone know anything about dreams and what this might mean, if anything?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Light the Night

Well, the Light the Night Walk to support the Luekemia and Lymphoma Society was last night, and it was a pretty good time. My balloon wouldn't float, so I had to get a new one, but at least my light worked (unlike Dad's). The channel 10 helicopter flew over us with a camera, but the only one of us who made it on t.v. was Jonathan. Anyway, I'd just like to thank all of the person who made an online donation on my page: Light the Night. Your contribution was greatly appreciated. I did manage to make my meager goal with the help of a few co-workers and family members, so thank you all very much. Oh, and we won a gift certificate to a restaurant downtown in the raffle. Sweet. Well, it's time to start collecting donations for next year and look for the next event.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Light the Night....only 4 days left!

Hey everybody, I'm raising money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Light The Night Walk. My hope is that as we get down to the wire, everyone who reads can donate $1 or $2.

Light The Night is an annual Society event to raise funds for cures. It’s the nation’s night to pay tribute and bring hope to thousands of patients and their families.

Funds raised through Light The Night Walk support the work of hundreds of the world’s best and brightest researchers in their search for better therapies and cures for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma.

How your contributions help:
Funds raised through the Walk events will:

*Enable leading researchers to investigate causes, treatments and cures
*Support government advocacy efforts to ensure attention to cancer-related issues
*Create support assistance programs for patients and their families
*Help educate healthcare professionals on the latest medical advances
*Provide information to the general public on leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma

Read more on my personal donation page:
Light the Night

The Light the Night Walk is October 20, 2007. You can donate right on my page, and in any amount you want. Even if it's a dollar, you're a superstar in my book! It's completely secure. I set a modest goal since this is my first time, but hopefully you all can help me blow right by it! Thanks!

P.S. If you like, you can make an anonymous donation. It will even hide the donation amount for you. There's also a section for the top contributors, so you will be forever immortalized!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Rules To Live By?

1.Women always makes the rules.

2.The rules can change without notice.

3.Men cannot know the rules.

4.If a woman suspects that a man knows all the rules, she must immediately change some of the rules.

5.A woman never bears the blame for being wrong.

6.If a woman is wrong, it is because of a flagrant misunderstanding which was a direct result of something that a man did or said which was wrong.

7.If rule 6 applies, the man must apologize for causing the misunderstanding.

8.A woman can change her mind.

9.A man must never change his mind without the consent of the female.

10.A woman has every right to be angry or upset at any time.

11.A man must always remain calm unless the woman wants him to be angry or upset.

12.A woman must never let a amn know whether or not she wants him to be angry or upset.

13.If a woman has PMS, there are no rules.

14.A man cannot diagnose PMS.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Okay, I was a little off

New York 96-66
Boston 95-67

Boston 96-66
New York 94-68

Not bad. Go Yankees.
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